The movie An inconvenient truth by Al Gore was a very exciting documentary. Watching it was very enjoying and intersting. the presenter, Al Gore was really good. His timing and slide show presentation was really remarkable, he knew how to grab the attention of the audience when it came to showing charts and what kind of information would be suitable for them. He collect pictures, statistics, graphs and some funny videos, that made "Global Warming" a Fact that convince many people who were not aware of it or for those were not believe in it.
He said that all scientists agreed that the main cause of the global worming is greenhouse gasses.

But a lot of scientists think that the cause of the global worming is the water vapor.I think that scientists still not sure about the main cause of this climate changes. But still we have to keep our earth clean and reduce the pollutions level by using renewable sources. However, he mentioned that U.S.A are the main reason for alot of damage to the invironment & causes alot of carbon that increase the golbal warming, & in the end, i mean today, the US still does nothing about or atleast something we heared about.. they only needs to change some devices & pulbs to make a change, but did they ? . Well... i don't think so & thats why it still An inconvenient truth to me. UAE that barly makes any pollution is working on global warming issue & doing things that other countries doesn't, why we do that ? maybe because we care or maybe there's another reason.. but still something better than nothing ya ?. They insest on us to wrok on global issue while we are not the reason, even writing this comments in our blog kind of an insisting & working on somthing we didn't cuase, only a little... :P
Finally, i think this movie should be release again in a different version, about what the changes from the US itself from the release of An inconvenient truth 'till today & shows what the changes they calim that they did.
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